

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Season Of LOve

There comes a time when your heart is so full it feels that it cannot get fuller. You are at a seeming standstill. You may bereave this, for it is so lovely to feel your heart grow fuller and fuller. Have you ever felt yourself at a plateau of loving?

You heart will grow again. More love will burst forth. And yet it is such a natural event, you may feel far away from the love that you give. You may grieve for the time when giving love was a spectacular event!

It’s not that love becomes old hat. It’s just that the contrast is less.

It’s not that love isn’t still delicious. We could say it’s a little like a delicious pie. It is still delicious, only it isn’t quite so delicious as the first bite.

As your ability to love grows beyond its reliance on events to cultivate it, there is more of an evenness to giving and receiving love. Perhaps it becomes a little like breathing. It goes on without your attention on it, yet when you think of it, what a remarkable act breathing is! It is customary for you to breathe. It is customary now for you to love.

Now your love does not have to be sparked. It is on automatic. You almost don’t see the crevices that you fill with love. You just fill them in passing as it were, much the way you notice a flower on your way to work and breathe it in.

And yet, even so, you are still a beginner at love. We could compare it to dealing cards. You know how to deal cards very well, and yet your dealing out of cards is not yet at the speed of light, for some can deal cards almost faster than you can see.

Your commitment to give love has been made, and there is more love to come. There is such a flow of love that is ready to burst forth from you. You are well on your way to becoming a Vesuvius of Love. You are well on your way to becoming a Statue of Liberty of Love who greets every newcomer to the shores of God’s heart. They think it is your love. You may even think it is your love. No problem. If God cannot make His love yours, who can?

You are well on your way to becoming a troubadour of love, a town crier of love, an oasis of love, a tower of love, a farmer of love. You who are love are gaining the momentum of love. It is not a hobby of love, but a career of love, a Ph.D. candidate of love. From an acorn of love, a mighty oak grows.

You are flowering in God’s love. Feel that love flowering from you. Feel it taking over the garden of your heart. Love grows like weeds, taking over everything, every act of yours, every word, every beat of your heart.

No longer can you escape your role in the game of life. You are a hardy soldier of love. You who are love now choose to be love in all its form. You choose to be the creator of love on Earth, the strewer of it, the simple giver of it as if there were nothing else to give and nothing else to do.

You wear an invisible T-shirt that says: “I am God’s love.” This is you, beloved, the purveyor of God’s love.

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